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Advanced Course The Bobath Concept and Task practice 20.-24.5.2024

Dear colleagues,

I am sending you an invitation to the Advanced Bobath concept course. The course is certified by IBITA, an international organization of Bobath concept instructors.

The professional guarantor and lecturer of the course is Ana Isabel Almeida, PT, MSc., Advanced Course Instructor, currently working within the “More Experienced Instructor” group.

The course is intended for occupational therapists and physiotherapists, graduates of the Basic Bobath course. The content of the course is focused on task-oriented therapy, in accordance with current evidence (EBM) on the effectiveness of this therapy.

The graduate of the course will receive an IBITA certificate with international validity.

Course date: 20.5.-24.5.2024
Venue: the course will take place in the beautiful premises of the new pavilion of the Bělohrad Rehabilitation Institute, Lázně Bělohrad,

Course length: at least 35 hours
Number of course participants: 12
Course price: CZK 11,000

Refreshments during the course and professional materials are included in the price.

Contact person: Mgr. Kateřina Macháčková, Ph.D.

Brief description of the course:
• The course is based on the analysis of functional movement, integrated in everyday activities.
• The goal is to understand the importance of postural control when practicing functional tasks.
• The course includes lectures, patient demonstrations, theoretical and practical exercises, patient assessment and therapy. Participants will work in pairs, with an assigned patient, under the guidance and supervision of a trainer.

Planned Bobath Courses 2023-2024

We are currently preparing an autumn BBC course in Prague at the FNKV. The course is already fully booked.

The next planned course will take place in the spring of 2024 in Prague, Albertov. There are still places available in the course. It is possible to apply via the contact form, which can be found HERE.

Albertov Course 2022/2023

The last part of the course was focused on therapy of the upper limb.

Colleagues also dealt with a severely spastic limb, complicated by secondary changes in the soft tissues and a disorder of the trunk posture.

Sensory restoration is a prerequisite for improving the motor function of the hand. The connection of individual motor components within the framework of Task oriented training is in accordance with the current knowledge of EBM about the effectiveness of training.

A group of physiotherapists and occupational therapists who got to know each other on the course, established friendly relationships and understood their indispensable roles in patient therapy.

Course in Krakow 2018/2019

At the turn of the year 2018/2019 I had the opportunity to lecture the second time Basic Bobath course in Krakow, Poland. The course was attended by physiotherapists from various professional establishments in Poland, with varying lengths of practice, but with similar expectations. Learn more about Bobath concept and take the maximum into everyday practice. Although the conditions were challenging due to the time of year and the high intensity of the course, the course was mainly due to the excellent and well-working team of therapists.

Important in each course I consider the inclusion of practice with patients. This part of the course is a real examination of the trainer and concept and provides answers to the effectiveness of the given therapy.


According to the National training Laboratories we are able to remember the most when we teach others, see presentation of our own projects:-)

Do you know what is the teacher’s greatest joy?

Well, the final photo with your pupils! 🙂


V termínu 31.5. – 4.6. 2018 se konala pod záštitou Fakulty zdravotnických studií University Palackého a Rehabilitační kliniky FN Olomouc výjimečná odborná akce, na které se sešly osobnosti, které se angažují v problematice “motorické kontroly” lidského pohybu jak při fyziologických , tak při patologických podmínkách poškozeného mozku. Celý odborný program probíhal formou interaktivní diskuse, kterou s vtipem, nadhledem a grácií moderoval prof. Mark Latash. Workshop otevřel první přednáškou prof. Feldman: The origin of directional sensitivity of neurones in the context of referent control of motor actions.

Po něm následovali další řečníci:

    • Gregor Schöner: What processes must be in place to achieve arm movements oriented at objects?
  • John Rothwell: Using transcranial brain stimulation methods to probe motor physiology
    • Mindy Levin: Threshold position control: implications for normal and disordered motor control
  • Matthew Tresch, Yuri Ivanenko: Development of human locomotion.
  • Marco Santello: Neural control of the hand: Integration of experimental approaches to study sensorimtor control and learning
  • Mark Latash: Stability of action and perception: The example of the human hand. Mé velké poděkování patří Mgr. Petře Bastlové, Ph.D., která byla hlavní organizátorkou této vynikající akce.


Basic Bobath Course for the first time in Gdansk – June 2018

In the spring of 2018 I was invited for the first time to lecture the course in Gdańsk, Poland. I was very pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the city and the surrounding area, as well as the enthusiastic and collaborative Polish therapists. All of them were physiotherapists with varying lengths of clinical practice and a huge interest in the problems of neurologically affected patients.

Interesting for me was the issue of spastic hand. According to the information obtained, in Poland patients after CMP, the standard and long-term botulinum toxin is applied to problematic muscle groups. Several such chronic patients have had the opportunity to heal. In any of them the functional state of their paretické arms was not good. We did not have the opportunity to look into their medical documentation to record the course of treatment, but according to the oral communication each of them underwent a subsequent rehabilitation, usually was advised of the Stretchingovém program. None of them had any orthosis applied and ortotická care in the neurological hand is not introduced in Poland.
